【新汉化作品】[Millia Soft] Millia –The Ending- 汉化硬盘版[超巨星汉化组][0.99G]

【新汉化作品】[Millia Soft] Millia –The Ending- 汉化硬盘版[超巨星汉化组][0.99G]

牧歌 · published on 2021-08-07


Millia -The ending- is a visual novel made by Millia Soft using Ren'py. The game was successfully funded on kickstarter.com in early 2015. 全部评测: 好评 (31) 发行日期: 2016年1月8日 开发商: Millia Soft 发行商: Millia Soft 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 独立视觉小说动漫单人奇幻免费+ 官方介紹頁 紹介ページ / Info 暂未收录 STEAM介紹頁 紹介ページ / Info https://store.steampowered.com/app/428060/Millia_The_ending/ 2DFAN中文介绍页:暂未收录
关于这款游戏: Millia -The ending- is a visual novel made by Millia Soft using Ren'py. The game was successfully funded on kickstarter.com in early 2015. The story follows the daily life of Rize who lives in a fantasy world. After a tragic event, the world was cursed by one of its two goddesses. The other goddess tries to prevent the destruction of the world by sacrificing herself over and over again each twenty years. Rize inherits the title of goddess guardian after his father passed away. With his carefree personality, he quickly becomes friend with the goddess and they spend a happy childhood with each other. However, as time goes by, the goddess will soon have to sacrifice herself again and it means that she will forget everything about him. Will Rize be able find a way to help the goddess? Let's get into the role of Rize and see how their story will end. There are multiple endings to the game and it depends on which choice you make in the game. 故事讲述了生活在虚构世界的Rize的日常生活。这个世界的某天,发生了一个悲惨的故事,保护世界的一位女神牺牲了自己来诅咒世界。另一位女神被迫需要每二十年一次又一次地牺牲自己来阻止世界的毁灭。在Rize父亲去世后,他接替了他父亲的职位,当了女神的守卫。由于他无忧无虑的个性,他很快成为女神的朋友,他们一起度过了快乐的童年。然而,随着时间的推移,女神不久不得不再次牺牲自己,之后她将忘记关于他的一切。Rize能找到解救女神的方法吗?让我们进入Rize的角色,看看他们的故事的结局如何。 Millia:女神 Millia是Herdria用她生命诅咒世界之后存活的女神。甚至在悲剧发生之前,Millia就厌倦了这个世界。但作为人类的保护者,她仍然肩负着巨大的责任。在遇见Rize之后,Rize向她展示了世界的美丽,Millia开始喜欢上了这个世界。但随着时间的流逝,她害怕她会忘记一切,因为很快她的记忆就会再次丧失。 Meru:Rize的妹妹 Meru是Rize的妹妹,尽管他们没有血缘关系。Meru是Grandoff家族的女儿,而Rize是领养的。即使这样,她也爱着她的哥哥。在她父亲突然离世之后,她悲伤极了。但多亏了Rize,她摆脱了那件事带来的负面影响。 Serina:Rize的儿时朋友 Serina是一个著名大将军的女儿。在她小的时候,她能和父亲一起来城堡,在这里,她遇见了Rize。她经常调戏Rize但实际上她很关心他。在严厉的家法之下,她被迫做出自己不喜欢的选择,只好听天由命,认为这样大家才能开心。详细信息请见“游戏相关文档.zip” 预览:

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